Do You Have Rights When A Customer Harasses You?


If you work on the "front lines" of a business, then you may be likely to experience sexual harassment from a customer. While you may know that sexual harassment from a coworker or a boss is illegal, it is also illegal for a customer or third party to harass you. However, dealing with this is a tricky situation.

Many businesses rely on their workers being friendly and tolerant of certain behaviors in order to gain more business or tips. But there is a point where this can go too far. Here are some questions and answers about sexual harassment from third parties.

What Are Some Examples of Customer-Related Harassment?

Customer sexual harassment takes many forms. Some ways are more disconcerting than others. The behavior must be repetitive and pervasive to be considered harassment and be based on your gender or perceived sexuality. Examples of such behavior include the following:


Customers might ask you to have sex with them or making suggestive comments that clearly would offend the average person.

Comments About Your Body

This involves rude comments about your private parts, breasts, or buttocks.

Refusing to Work With You

In this case, a customer may refuse to work with you because of your gender or sexual orientation.

Repeated Requests for Dates

There's nothing wrong with asking someone for a date. But if you have already turned someone down and they still continue asking, then it could be sexual harassment.

Derogatory Gender-Related Comments

This is when the customer makes comments based on your gender or perceived sexuality. For example, they may make statements about how you should or shouldn't wear makeup or how you'd be prettier in a dress.

How Are Business Owners Responsible For Customer Behavior?

Many employers try to wave off such comments or advances as a normal part of business. In some cases, especially regarding jobs where you rely on tips, flirting is often encouraged. However, if you have a complaint, then your boss should not dismiss it as you being too sensitive or that the customer is too important to offend. All complaints need to be addressed.

What If the Business Owner Refuses to Act?

If your employer refuses to act, then he or she may be in legal trouble. You can try negotiating with your employer to get a change in schedule, route, or work location. However, if your boss refuses to make any changes, then file a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. The EEOC offers mediation and help you and your employer make your workplace better. If filing an EEOC claim does not work, then talk to a sexual harrassment attorney about taking legal action against your employer.


23 March 2020

A Successful, New Start

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