3 Signs That Someone Could Try to Contest Your Loved One's Will


In many cases, when a person passes away, his or her family members and other loved ones never complain or try to contest the will. However, the problem of people contesting their family members' wills is more common than you might think. If you have a loved one who has recently passed away, then you could be concerned about whether or not this might happen. These are a few signs that this might happen.

1. Your Family Members Do Not Get Along Well

First of all, if you are in a tight-knit family where everyone gets along well, then it's possible that none of the family members will try to fight the will. If there are problems with family members not getting along, such as if the deceased's adult children argue a lot or are estranged from one another, then there might be a bigger chance that someone will try to fight the will.

2. Your Loved One's Will Is Old

It is a good idea for people to update their wills regularly. For example, when a person accumulates more assets or purchases more property, it is a good idea for him or her to update the will. If a new person is added to the family, such as if a new grandchild or great-grandchild is born, then it is also a good idea for the person to update his or her will. If your loved one did not do this and if his or her will is old or seems to be incomplete, then there is a possibility that a family member will try to contest the will.

3. Certain Family Members Were Left Out of the Will

In some cases, people decide to leave their children or other family members out of their wills for one reason or another. They might not get along well with those family members, for example, or they might think that someone else would be able to make better use of their assets after their death. In these situations, it is not uncommon for those family members to try to contest the will.

If you have noticed that a close family member of your loved one was left out of the will, then it might be important to contact probate lawyer services such as G  Steven McKonly, PC before anything happens. Then, you can get advice about how to move forward, and you will have legal assistance in the event that the individual does try to contest the will.


21 May 2019

A Successful, New Start

Early in my career, I experienced disappointments. After happily working five years for a company, my job responsibilities suddenly increased. Unfortunately, my salary remained the same. Longing to take control of my situation, I quit my job in order to launch a home-based business. After years of working for someone else, are you ready to become an entrepreneur? Before taking this exciting step, consider consulting with a business attorney. This individual can inform you about the types of permits and licenses you might need to obtain. A business lawyer can also help you draft contracts. On this blog, I hope you will discover the benefits of working with a business attorney before becoming an entrepreneur.